Special Education Representation
P. Taylor Legal, PLLC provides students, parents and guardians with legal representation for special education and related issues. The Firm strives to achieve reasonable and practical solutions to the difficult situations that typically accompany a student’s fight to obtain an appropriate education. Service offerings, include, but are not limited to:
Due Process & Mediation
Individualized Education Programs (IEP)
Section 504 Plans
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)
Student and Public Records
Disciplinary Proceedings
P. Taylor Legal, PLLC
28 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ 07042
Tel: (973) 261-8024
11 Broadway, Suite 615
New York, NY 10004
Tel: (646) 693-8273
Fax: (646) 693-8274

Recent Matters:
Eligibility Determination and Out-of-District Placement: Following a due process hearing, P. Taylor Legal secured a special education eligibility determination and an Individualized Education Program to be implemented at an Out-of-District placement for a student experiencing “school refusal”.
Interim Home Instruction and Injunction Against Truancy Proceedings: P. Taylor Legal obtained Emergent Relief requiring the District to provide home instruction pending the outcome of a due process hearing and also an injunction against the District pursuing any further truancy actions.
Placement in the Least Restrictive Environment: Following a due process hearing, P. Taylor Legal secured a determination that the District had failed to prove its desire to move student to resource room classes was legally justified where student had achieved meaningful progress in his general education classes.
Student and Public Records: P. Taylor Legal has obtained student and other public records from school Districts following commencement of lawsuits under New Jersey’s Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and student records laws.
Prior outcomes do not guarantee or predict any similar outcomes in future matters.