Legal Resources: Bullying and New Jersey Law


Under New Jersey law, a person is protected from harassment on the basis of their race, national origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, familial status or sex.  Moreover, each school district is required to adopt a policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation and bullying (“HIB”).

As a parent, knowing your legal rights and how to exercise them is important.  Hiring a lawyer, however, can be expensive and is not an option for many people.  Thankfully, several free resources are available on the New Jersey Department of Education’s website, including:

-        “Guidance for Parents on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act”:  This comprehensive guide provides an overview of HIB procedures, such as: (i) the various steps of an HIB complaint and investigation; (ii) filing a complaint with the Division of Civil Rights or the Superior Court; (iii) contacting the County Office of Education; and (iv) appeals to state agencies and the Appellate Court.

-        HIB Online Tutorials:  These helpful tutorials provide a general overview of New Jersey’s anti-bullying and anti-discrimination laws and information on the types of proceedings available under each.

Regardless of what path a bullying complaint may take, the best practice is to keep good records of the bullying and communications with officials.


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